A Look Behind the Scenes!
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 12:1-6
In every good story there are a few key elements that must appear in order to make it interesting and meaningful. It is important to provide a brief context with characters for the storyline. There’s usually a crisis which comes suddenly and perhaps unexpectantly and must be dealt with. And then, normally and hopefully, there is a tale of resolution. That’s what makes a great story. It’s easy to get so involved and overwhelmed by what is transpiring in the story or on the stage of life that we lose sight of the fact that God is ultimately in control! Don’t let it happen to you!
I. We’re Introduced to a Mysterious Woman, who is she (Vv. 1-2)?
v There is no doubt that this text involves symbolism, John says so!
1. The woman and the dragon are called signs!
2. It’s important to keep in mind that, “These signs do not denote constellations, but a combination of traditional symbols reapplied to communicate a unique point.” (Keener)
3. Note that there are three main figures in our text; the woman, the child, and the dragon. (These few verses set the context for our understanding of the remainder of the chapter and book.)
v It is essential that we identify this mysterious woman correctly!
1. There are an assortment of suggestions that lack convincing evidence to support them; Mary the mother of Jesus (Roman Catholic) and the church (some Protestants)!
2. This is no mere woman, but a significant mega-sign! Women often represent religious systems; Jezebel symbolizes idolatry, Israel is the wife of Yahweh, the church is the bride of Christ.
v It is essential to base our identification on OT grounds (vv. 1-2)!
1. She’s intimately identified with the sun, moon, and 12 stars. Any Jewish reader would undoubtedly think Genesis 37:9-11!
2. She is pregnant and about to give birth to a male child (v. 5) who will ultimately rule the nations with a rod of iron (Ps 2:7-9).
3. She is persecuted relentlessly and her life is in continual danger and distress.
4. She will be protected by God in the wilderness for a designated period of time. (Is this an OT allusion?)
5. The only valid conclusion? This woman symbolizes the nation of Israel, the seed of Abraham, the chosen people of God (Isa 54:1-7)!
6. “In the OT, the image of a woman is frequently associated with Israel, Zion, or Jerusalem.” (Johnson)
7. “The Messiah will be born to the offspring of Abraham. He will be a Jewish Messiah. The only effective and appropriate identification of the radiant woman, then, is to see her as the ethnic offspring of Abraham, the Jewish people.” (Patterson)
II. We’re Introduced to a Murderous Monster, who is this (Vv. 3-4)?
v The sign gives clues to identify this mega-monster (v. 3).
1. This is a “no-brainer” even for those unfamiliar with the OT!
2. This monster has qualities not found in friendly dragons! He is influential, powerful, murderous, malicious, cruel, and hateful!
3. His identity is obvious! “As the great opponent of God and the representative of chaos and death, it is natural that the ‘dragon’ was associated with Satan.” (Osborne)
v The dragon is exposed in the scriptures for what he’s done which is a direct result of what he is (v. 4a). He is a… therefore he…
1. He is the devil; he’s stolen, deceived, lied, destroyed, and murdered! Jesus said so (John 8:44; 10:10)!
2. He is called the ruler of this world! And again, it is Jesus who makes that statement (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11)!
3. He is called the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2)! His very name (Satan) means adversary (see v. 9).
4. He is labeled the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4)! He is a rebel and the inciter of rebellion in the angelic realm and the human (Ezek 28:11 ff. & Gen 3:1-6; 2 Peter 2:4 & Jude 6)!
5. His reign is temporary and illusory; his sovereignty is limited, and his defeat and destiny certain! Jesus said so!
v The dragon has been actively pursuing and seeking to undermine God’s plan for the salvation of mankind since his dismissal (v. 4b)!
1. Throughout the OT and the NT there are accounts of his attempts to defile and destroy the nation of Israel to prevent Messiah’s coming and Israel’s receiving the promised kingdom (Ex 1; Numb 25)!
2. The event that comes immediately to mind is the attempt of Herod to murder Messiah shortly after His birth (Matt 2).
III. We’re Introduced to a Vulnerable Male Child, who is he (Vv. 5-6)?
v The identity of this “child” is no mystery to anyone (v. 5)!
1. He is Messiah, Satan’s worst nightmare, the One who totally defeated him thru His death, resurrection, and His ascension.
2. He has completed His mission; it’s just a matter of doing some clean-up work. Readers can fill in the timeline!
v The fate of Israel? God fully intends to keep His promises (v. 6; Dan 9:27)!
1. He has preserved and protected Israel in the past, despite her many failures and infidelities! “The final world system is even more anti-Semitic than the kingdoms of Hitler, Stalin, or other anti-Semitic leaders.” “Were it not for this miraculous preservation, the long-standing antagonism of Satan against the Jewish people would lead to their annihilation.” (Patterson)
2. He will preserve, protect, & provide for His people in the future! “God has made ready a place of nourishment and protection for His beleaguered people,.. a place of divine comfort.” (Osborne)
The battle continues! The curtain hasn’t come down. But the end is determined.